Measuring 2022-01-27T16:03:34-05:00

Manufacturer’s Make, Model, Number of Lamps and Year of Manufacture are used as a guideline but due to variations in the manufacturing process, your measurement help us make sure you get a tanning shield that fits just like the original. For a guide to help you figure your measurements we have provided the following PDF file. This file provides for an acrylic layout with width, length, header, footer, and the series of cut outs to create the proper fit for your tanning bed, no matter the model or manufacturer.

You will require a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the PDF
Please click here to download a free copy.

Acrylic Measurements Worksheet 

Each tanning shield is custom made for you from the measurements you provide. It is very important that you measure carefully and provide exact measurements. Since it is custom made for you, it cannot be returned if the information you provide is incorrect. Although we have the manufacturer’s templates for most tanning bed shields, often there are different manufacturer’s approved sizes for the same model tanning bed. Due to variations in the manufacturing process, and to ensure the best fit, we ask that you carefully measure your acrylic.  Take the measurements to the nearest 1/8 inch. DO NOT ROUND THE MEASUREMENTS UP OR DOWN. Proper Measurements of your tanning bed will provide the proper size acrylic. If you are unsure of the size you need for your make & model of tanning bed, please take a moment to view the video provided below.

How to Measure:

You will need:


Pen or Pencil

A Metal Measuring Tape – Use only a Metal Tape for the most accurate measurements!!


Measuring your Shield

  • Disconnect the tanning bed from the electrical supply.
  • Following the manufacturer’s instructions, completely remove the acrylic surface you are replacing from the tanning bed.
  • Measure around the width of the back side of the acrylic (the side that faces the lamps).  DO NOT ROUND THE MEASUREMENTS UP OR DOWN.  Be as accurate the the 1/8″.  Write the measurement down
  • Measure the length of the back side of the acrylic(the side that faces the lamps).  DO NOT ROUND THE MEASUREMENTS UP OR DOWN.  Be as accurate the the 1/8″.  Write the measurement down.
  • Although we have the manufacturer’s approved templates for most tanning shield designs, you may be asked to provide information about any special markings, notches, or holes.  When there is more than one manufacturer’s approved template for the same tanning bed, pictures of your acrylic shield will often help us determine which is the correct template for your tanning bed.

Include with your measurements

  • Choice of EITHER the Bench OR the Canopy
  • Manufacturer of the Tanning Bed
  • Model of the Tanning Bed
  • Approximate Year the tanning bed was manufactured.  
  • Number of lamps in the canopy (if replacing the shield on the canopy)
  • Number of lamps in the bench (if replacing the shield on the bench)
  • Picture of the Acrylic Shield to help ensure you receive the correct markings which vary by the year of manufacture.